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3 Reasons You Should Ditch Image Sliders

January 28, 2015

Carousels, sliders and rotating banners – chances are you’ve heard one or more of these terms before. Image carousels can be found on nearly any news site, online store or informational site with one goal in mind: force-feed the user as much content as possible, as soon as they land on your site.

The concept of image sliders dates back several years to when JavaScript started booming. Image sliders were a great way to show users multiple promotions or features while freeing up page space. Once they started gaining momentum, online retailers began using them to showcase their weekly promotions, similar to a weekly insert in the Sunday paper.

Now, image sliders are overused and oftentimes ignored by the consumer. Here are a few reasons why customers aren’t paying attention:

  • Automatic rotation
    Most image sliders have multiple slides that automatically rotate when users land on the site. For example, IKEA currently has four promotions in their image slider, which includes an auto-rotate feature. A recent study conducted on the usability of image sliders by Neilson Norman group confirmed that auto-forwarding sliders annoy users and reduce visibility of your messages.
  • Increased site load time
    To display an image carousel, users will need to load jQuery, a JavaScript library that can be found on approximately 92 percent of sites. Carousels add between .4 and five seconds to page load times. Additionally, sites may have large, high-resolution slides included in these carousels which will also increase page load time. Keep in mind, Google incorporates page speeds into search engine rankings, so if your site is slow, it will suffer.
  • Negative impacts on your SEO and conversion rates
    Basic SEO practices state that there should be only one h1 tag per page and it should appear before any other heading tag. The problem with using h1 or any heading tag in an image carousel is that every time the slide changes, the h1 tag changes. A page with five slides in the carousel will have five h1 tags, which greatly devalues keyword relevance.

A 2013 study at the University of Notre Dame was conducted on the efficiency of image carousels and revealed that only one percent of three million site visitors clicked on a carousel’s featured image.

Too many messages oftentimes equal no message to consumers. Sometimes, slides on image sliders are so fast that people are not able to finish reading them. Keep your website timely without becoming a promotion hoarder. You don’t need to hold onto everything you’ve ever promoted; every campaign has a shelf life. When considering alternatives to image sliders, here are a few points to keep in mind:

  • Focus on one message. Yes, it’s possible – focus!
  • Organize key points in the layout on level of importance.
  • Give the user more control by disabling auto rotate carousels.
  • Limit or simplify the amount of slides if you use a slideshow.

Before you make a big decision on how to direct your users, consider your customer and the experience first, and do it right. Measure, adjust, rinse and repeat.

Are you open to alternatives to image sliders? If yes, what alternatives have you explored, and what do you think about them?