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3 Ways Internal Communications Can Impact Your Organization

August 18, 2014

When success is measured in revenue or sales, it can be easy to overlook the importance of internal communications. Consistent branding and messaging to an internal audience can have notable impacts on the workplace. Research has shown that communicating with employees as internal customers, who have a need satisfied by their job, has noticeable effects on employee satisfaction and performance that in turn affects external customer satisfaction.

Here are three ways internal communications can positively impact your organization:

1. Employee Satisfaction
When internal communications reinforce an organization’s mission, goals and values, employees become more aware of their role in achieving success. With a clear understanding of how their work impacts the overall success of their company, employees find greater meaning and purpose in their work, which can lead to greater satisfaction.

2. Employee Performance
With a workforce that has greater awareness of its company’s goals and values, employees can work in a manner that is more efficient to achieving these goals. Greater efficiency may take the form of lower costs, increased output and a focus on value generating activities.

3. Customer Satisfaction
When employees are aware of company goals and are actively working to achieve these goals, the output of the company improves. An improved product or service that better fills the needs of customers can lead to happier, more satisfied customers. Satisfied customers can lead to increased sales, greater brand reputation and greater overall profitability.

A lot of time and effort is spent ensuring that those purchasing a product or service understand the company’s positioning and values. This same effort should be spent ensuring that those working for a company are receiving consistent messaging in regards to missions, goals and values. By marketing to internal audiences, a happier and more efficient workplace can serve more satisfied customers.

Source: Elements Of Internal Marketing As Predictors Of Employee Satisfaction