"What we do is all about the details, the littlest things."
Name: Lucy Harcourt
Title: Healthcare Marketing Director
Local Shopping Recommendation: Broad Ripple Vintage
Q. What’s a typical day in your life at work like?
A. My job is all about taking meetings, helping put together campaigns, getting approvals, and putting out fires. There are no typical days — even when I go into a new day with a plan (which I usually do), lots of unpredictable things might spring up! You’ve just gotta roll with the punches.
Q. What were you up to before you joined TrendyMinds?
A. I’ve been working in marketing and advertising for a decade now! Five of those years were spent working for IU Health, which is one of TrendyMinds’ clients. It’s very exciting to work with them now from the agency side. Having worked internally for them before has made me a better and more understanding client advocate.
Q. What’s your favorite thing about working in marketing?
A. I just love when all our teams’ hard work pays off, and everything we’ve planned for a campaign comes together and runs smoothly. Tough moments may happen along the way — but when a campaign is successful in the eyes of the client, it’s so special.
Q. Do you have a professional philosophy?
A. Absolutely. You can never double-check too many times. What we do is all about the details, the littlest things. I learned this early. At one of my previous jobs, a regional campaign went out, and the team responsible hadn’t double-checked the phone number on the ad. When you called it, it went to a… hotline for adult services. I wasn’t involved with the project, but everyone heard about it. It’s a lesson I’ll never forget: never let things go out the door without triple checking.
Q. What’s your advice for anyone considering a career like yours?
A. Ask questions. After all, you can’t be expected to know what you don't know. As long as you’re learning and paying attention, people will want to help you out. If you like to write, strategize, be creative, push boundaries, and achieve goals, marketing may be a great career path for you.
Q. What are your favorite projects to work on?
A. I love working on video projects; our teams really come alive around them. It’s amazing to film our healthcare clients’ customers and hear their real-life experiences. It shows the real value of our clients’ services. Recently, it’s also been very exciting for me to start working on web projects, because I’m a bit of a novice in that area. It’s been awesome to use modules coded by our web team and help determine the look and feel and content of client websites.
Q. Outside of work, what are your hobbies?
A. I just love hanging out with my friends, my boyfriend, and my family. My sister lives in Queens, and I like flying out to New York to visit her. I’m also a huge fan of podcasts. Since I’ve started listening to them, I’ve sort of stopped watching TV!
Collecting eclectic clothing is another big interest of mine. I’ve had a fun and unique fashion sense ever since I was very young. I’d recommend that people try shopping more in vintage clothing stores and thrift shops. I feel like clothes have memories. It’s nice to wonder about memories my vintage clothes had before me and think about the memories they’re making with me now.