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The Importance of a Vibrant and Happy Workplace Culture

March 17, 2015

We’ve all had intolerable jobs. Day in and day out you’d go to that workplace and wish to your Fairy Job Mother that circumstances would change and everything at your job would magically become your euphoric dream job. Well, if you’re living in the fairy-less real world, you realize that everything is not perfect and that there is always room for improvement.

A positive attitude can be difficult to keep during times of change; however, Albert Einstein offered us his wise advice on the topic, saying, “The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” So what does this mean for your workplace culture? Implement positive changes!

Here are a few suggested areas for improvement in your workplace environment that will generate positivity, good vibes and increased productivity within your office:

  • Opinion valuation and employee engagement
    The more opinions you can gather to generate ideas for new projects or strategies for your company, the better! Try not to discredit any opinions of the members of your team, no matter their level of experience. Come up with a variety of roles to use during your meetings and brainstorming sessions to ensure everyone has the opportunity to put in their two cents and no one is dictating the entire meeting.
  • One-on-one communication
    While building and maintaining good relationships with clients should be a top priority, it can be easy to overlook the importance of creating healthy internal relationships. Taking time each month to discuss individual successes, obstacles and areas that could be improved will allow for growth within your company.
  • Flexibility
    It is important to be understanding and accommodating during times when employees have other responsibilities that may not allow them to come into the office (e.g., sick children, home repairs, flat tires). Allowing flexible time off affects not only company productivity but also evokes appreciation from employees. Offering employees flexible work arrangements and the ability to work-from-home can ease employee stress and greatly impact your company culture.
  • Collaboration stations
    What better way to have open communication within the workplace than to have an open setup? This isn’t to say that your office shouldn’t have areas available for private meetings and work sessions or that everyone should sit in one big room sharing desks. However, it is important to be conscious that the look and feel of your workplace directly affects not only employees but also your clients. Forbes mentions a few special touches to add to liven up your office for success.
  • Elements of comfort
    In one famous psychologist's endeavor, Harry Harlow’s Wire Mother experiment, the feeling of comfort and security proved to be more important than fulfilling physiological needs. While Harlow’s study was conducted on monkeys, this theory still applies.

Adding homey elements to your office, such as artwork, comfortable seating arrangements in meeting rooms and collaborative work areas, and providing little perks, such as coffee stations and snacks, can help your office feel like a second home to your employees. While your office is an area of business, a certain boost in comfort can go a long way.

According to Glassdoor’s Employee Choice Awards, Google ranked No. 1 of 50 companies on their Best Places to Work 2015 list. Google generously equips nearly 70 offices in more than 40 countries with vibrant and comfortable decor, free breakfast and lunch options, a variety of fitness areas (including rock climbing walls) and free health and fitness assessments, just to name a few amenities.

Are you passionate about jazzing up your workplace culture? Go for it! What are your company goals for making employees happy and increasing productivity? We hope our tips help!

[Related Reads: 3 Ways We Are Having Faster, Smarter Meetings in 2015]