Owning the market through carefully crafted SEO content
Coupa is one of the most established and innovative spend management software companies around, but as AI technology has intensified, so has the competitive landscape. It’s not just the big brands they need to beat anymore. Nimble start-up companies with flashy products are growing their market shares. Coupa’s long-standing method of frequently churning out new blog content to reach prospects no longer worked. They wanted to refresh their approach.
How could Coupa reinforce its position as the original AI-driven solution for spend management in a crowded space of new innovators? They needed a strategic content partner, and that’s where we stepped in. Focusing on the prospect journey, we established a targeted plan to reach users at every sales funnel stage through carefully crafted, persona-driven content. Our way of thinking — each piece of content should serve a specific purpose in a larger marketing strategy.

Going for quality over quantity
We saw the most potential to drive impact during the awareness stage of the prospect journey, so we planned SEO-driven content that would establish Coupa as a trusted source for top-of-funnel topics like “supply chain planning.”
We curated evergreen posts around persona-specific topic clusters, enabling Coupa’s Content Team to easily refresh the pieces to retain ranking and keep driving new prospects to the site long after our work was finished. We also supported the development of e-books, analyst reports, customer stories, and other deeper-funnel materials to keep hooked prospects engaged. The concepts introduced in the blogs are explored further in these deeper funnel pieces, focusing on how Coupa’s products support a modern yet practical approach to key operational challenges. Together, they create a cohesive marketing strategy that builds brand reputation and earns the trust of prospects.
Another crucial step? Establishing clear guidelines around content requests from product marketers and other departments. Working with Coupa’s Content Team, we now analyze each request through a strategic lens to ensure it meets criteria that prioritize quality, saving valuable resources and time.
Building trust and authority with the target audience
We started by auditing and removing any outdated, underperforming, or duplicative blog content. We then developed content briefs, interviewed subject matter experts, and wrote 20+ topic cluster blogs that put Coupa’s unique perspective and expertise front and center. We’ve highlighted Coupa’s 15+ years of innovative experience around AI technology as a key differentiator. From practical examples of AI in procurement to a supply chain digital twin guide, these informative pieces have brought significant new organic traffic to the site and have deepened Coupa’s position as a serious thought leader in the industry.

Supercharging organic traffic
Gone are the days of churn-and-burn content creation. A highly structured and results-driven process ensures Coupa is building a library of assets that draw new prospects to its site and serve as long-term, adaptable resources. Our Content Studio continues to assist and consult Coupa on the creation of various marketing materials and technical website SEO updates.
increase in non-branded organic blog traffic from 2024 to 2025
- 170%
SEO-driven blogs produced in 2024
- 20+
new rankings in the top 3 positions in search engines
- 125+
Supplying strategic support across the entire user journey
B2B tech providers often struggle to stand out from a crowded space, especially as new solutions hit and disrupt the market frequently. The next flashy product might grab attention at first, but it won’t make a target audience stick around. With strategic input, we can help draw your prospects in, build brand trust through your unique strengths, and keep them engaged across the entire sales cycle.
Ready to bolster brand authority with your audience? Let’s explore how to infuse strategic content into your marketing initiatives.