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TrendyMinds is a Finalist for Two 2021 Fierce Pharma Marketing Awards

August 30, 2021

At TrendyMinds, we’re proud to work alongside our healthcare and life sciences clients to change lives. When our work gets recognized by the industry, so much the better! That’s why we’re proud to announce that two TrendyMinds campaigns have been nominated for 2021 Fierce Pharma Marketing Awards. The Fierce Pharma Marketing Awards honor leadership, vision, innovation, and strategic accomplishments within pharmaceutical marketing.

TrendyMinds’ campaigns are finalists in the Social Media for Consumer and COVID-19 Pandemic Related Campaign categories of the 2021 Fierce Pharma Marketing Awards. Let’s take a closer look at the nominated campaign in each of these categories.

Social Media for Consumer

Nominated in the 2021 Fierce Pharma Marketing Awards Social Media for Consumer category is 3 Steps to Prep. Created on behalf of a major pharmaceutical company, this digital advertising campaign taught people with diabetes how to prepare themselves, their spaces, and their technology for telehealth visits with healthcare providers.

TrendyMinds communicated these messages through a series of animated video ads on Facebook and a digital patient prep guide, which included a printable worksheet that people could use to facilitate better telehealth visits with their healthcare providers. Ultimately, 3 Steps to Prep yielded more than 11.4 million impressions and had a video view rate 29% higher than the Facebook average.

COVID-19 Pandemic Related Campaign

Nominated in the 2021 Fierce Pharma Marketing Awards COVID-19 Pandemic Related Campaign category is More Than Hope. Created on behalf of the same major pharmaceutical company as 3 Steps to Prep, this digital advertising campaign aimed to benefit public health by driving greater awareness of monoclonal antibody treatment options for COVID-19.

Developed within a single month by cross-functional teams across TrendyMinds, our pharmaceutical client, and the U.S. Government, the More Than Hope campaign sought to inspire audiences to feel optimistic and secure in the knowledge that COVID-19 treatments provide real help — not just hope — and that they were widely available for high-risk patients who need them in the event of testing positive for COVID-19. The campaign was produced in both English and Spanish, and did not specifically promote monoclonal antibody treatments from any particular manufacturer.

The campaign was produced in both English and Spanish, and did not specifically promote monoclonal antibody treatments from any particular manufacturer.

The 2021 Fierce Pharma Marketing Awards

Fierce Pharma’s expert panel of judges reviewed all award submissions to determine which companies produced thought-provoking, innovative, and compelling campaigns across a wide range of media. The winners will be announced at the Fierce Pharma Marketing Awards Dinner on September 29 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, as part of the Digital Pharma East Conference.

Take a look at some of our other marketing, web, and film work in healthcare and life sciences.